About Us

Attic Radiant Barrier

We pride ourselves on helping homeowners make their homes more energy-efficient and save money on their energy bills at the same time. But we know what it’s like to pay high energy bills while all your heating and cooling seeps out of your home. That’s why we have the tools, technology, and expertise to help homeowners find ways to improve their home’s energy efficiency. 

Who We Are 

We are a veteran-owned and operated energy solutions company that started in 2014. Since then, we have worked hard to provide the solutions homeowners need with the quality service they need and deserve. 

Our mission is to provide needed smart solutions to help make homes more energy-efficient. This includes figuring out areas where energy is being wasted and providing the services to fix the problem. 

We understand that it can be challenging to know the ins and outs of your home’s energy usage and where there may be problems. That’s why we want to be there for all of our customers to help them in their time of need and save them money on their energy bills. 

What We Do  

Our first step with any customer is to provide a free in-home energy savings assessment. This process involves inspecting your home to see where you might be wasting energy via heating and cooling loss. This can be difficult to determine without the proper help. That’s why we’re there for you, to give you the expert-level help you need to get your home using less energy and saving money on your energy bills. 

After we’ve determined where most of your energy loss is coming from, we can provide products and services to help minimize energy loss, reduce waste and save you tons on your energy bills. 

It’s worth having an assessment done to see where you can make improvements. It can be surprising how much energy you’re losing to poor insulation and other problems in your home. 

Another benefit of an energy assessment is the ability to make sure your home is up to code in terms of your insulation, roofing, windows, and other components. This is a significant aspect of maintaining homeowners insurance and one that should not be neglected. 

What We Provide 

We have several services that we provide. One of our primary services is sealing and insulating attic spaces. As a result, much of a home’s energy is lost through the roof. To prevent this and to keep your home up to code, it is a good idea to replace your attic’s insulation with new higher quality, energy-efficient insulation. 

We can install traditional or spray foam insulation to keep more of your heating and cooling in and let less of it escape outside. 

Once the insulation is replaced, we can take things a step further with a radiant barrier system. This is a system of reflective paneling in your attic space that reflects in 97% of your home and keeps out heat from the outside as well. This will help keep your home much cooler in the summer months and warmer in the winter months. 

We can also provide other solutions like replacing windows, wrapping your hot water heater, and installing a programmable thermostat. All of these changes can make a significant difference in your energy usage and your overall energy bill and can save you up to 30% or more. These improvements will more than pay for themselves over the life of your home. If you’d like to get started saving on your energy bill, contact us today!

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